Friday, September 28, 2007

I Do Not Feel Wanted

Lately I have been feeling like an outsider because in my apartment I have not been getting along with my roommates. Every walk in the door and find them talking its as if I ruined their day just through my presence. I hate feeling unwanted and unwelcomed in my home it is the worst feeling I have ever experienced. When I told my boyfriend what was going on he suggested to talk to them as soon as possible before things got worst but I was too scared. Now that I have had all my feelings bottled up my attitude is insupportable I can not stand to be in the same room as them. I know I speak soon but I can not do it, it us like someone is holding my mouth shut. My experience here is not like I thought it would be I love my school my I hate my home. I truly hope this does not have an impact on my chances to come back next year.
My roommate is supposed to be my friend and lately I do not feel warmth from her as if she has gone against me as well. This is one of things that hurts the most because I have been there for her when she needed me and now that I need her she is no around me. I know all of this can be resolved as long as I talk but this is hard for me. I have made it my goal to talk before I lose a friend.

1 comment:

heavy D said...

well if you can not talk you can always write a letter?