Sunday, September 23, 2007

I Think I know how to Play?

Over the summer part of the workout at my job was to play football with the guys since they outnumbered the girls. I am not usually the one to be a "pink lady" but playing football is a harsh game, but that did not stop me. I decided to give a try even though I do not know not one thing about the rules nor how you play. All I knew was to run and tackle my opponent. And every time I did that I fell and either scratched myself or my opponent. I must admit it was pretty fun it was more interesting for me because I did not know how to play so I did not take it seriously unlike the guys they got mad when their team did not score. So every time we did a play I asked the guys to explain to me exactly what I had to do in order to succeed in the game and they would explain to me. So now I still do not know nothing about football but I do know I enjoyed the game and it was a new experience for me.

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