Sunday, October 28, 2007

I have realized what I have from what I have gained

I think the most important value that lies behind my literate activities is that I been able to elaborate on the readings on a more personal level compared to my high school readings. In high school you were taught to only discover the material that was expected of you to learn. On the other hand college teaches their students to explore all the possibilities as long as it can supported with the appropriate material and without it misrepresenting the author's intentions. Now that I am in college I can see a value in literature I had never seen before. I was not the kind of person who would just pick a book to read for my own personal benefit but now I read books outside of what is required. The quote "you never know what you had until you lose it" falls into play but reversed only that I have realized what I have from what I have gained.


SHL said...

Yeah.. the college level of education espeically in english class is very different from the high school.
When I was senior in the high school, I took ESL classes and normal english class that everybody takes. Also my high school was very small school in Ithaca NY so all the classes were very small and liberate. SO for first few months I had difficulties cathing up the classes.

Unknown said...

I totally agree with you, now that one is in college, there is a lot expected of us. I have always like to read, but I used to read just to get my self educated and now I read because I want to know more and the difference is that I read anything now. Is good that you are learning on your own that education does not only involve school, but outside of school too.