Sunday, October 21, 2007

Gender Rivalry

Ever since I was in elementary school I have always noticed that males do not conduct themselves like the females. I could never quite understood why females out spoke the males nor why they tend to be better students in general. Even now that I am in college I notice that there is a larger population of women than there is of men. In class even the energy of females seems to be higher than that of the males because of their lack of participation. The front rows are mostly filled by females and males hardly ever tend to show interest in class. I do fill that being a female encourages me to participate better in class and do better in school because women are usually seen as the weaker sex and that just boosts me more. I think males are less active in school because their mind is easily influenced and they tend to move in directions that involve more hands on experiences. I do not think all me are like this but do believe that the majority are.

1 comment:

SHL said...


For me, I've seen more of energetic males than those of females in korea. I guess that's cultural difference ?? right ??